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30 Sketches Project Numero 5!

30 Sketches Project V.  In.  Effect.  A bit of time has passed since the last project so here's a refresher on the rules:  sketch, document, post, repeat everyday for 30 days.  

30 Sketches Project V:  Day Zero

As you can see in the above photo, the star of this episode of 30 Sketches is one 43"x36" wooden panel divided into 30 equal sections.  Each section works as an individual drawing but it's existence is necessary to complete one large composition.

Hey...hold the phone...that's kinda like how our planet works - each unique species is needed to support the big picture.  Even the smallest, seemingly insignificant life form holds immense value.  You take out a section, the whole structure will cave.  Indeed.

Q:  So, what will go into each of the 30 sections of the panel?  
A:  Stuff from these jars.

Let's do this.


  1. i love your time capsules, and can't wait to see the finished product!


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