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Project VI-Day One: Water Buffalo

Day One of the first 30 Sketches Project was on January 21, 2009 (almost 5 years ago to the week-whoa!).  Since that date the project has motivated and/or guilted me into making 150 sketches in honor of adhering to a goal, respecting discipline, and improving technically.  

Well Project VI has officially left the starting line.  The common link between the sketches in this particular project is the source I'm pulling the reference images from - Smithsonian Handbooks:  Mammals.  In a nutshell this guide is badass as are all Smithsonian Handbooks.

In addition to the above mentioned reasons for doing a 30 Sketches Project, Project VI is going to be used to build up inventory to help fund an artist residency I have this April at Weir Farm Art Center in Wilton, CT.  So let the games begin!

Day One:  Water Buffalo


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